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Ocean StateArtisans
This section of the website requires
membership in Ocean State Artisans.
New members are always welcome.
Please consider joining us.
How do I become a member?Come to one of our monthly meetings! They are held the second Wednesday of the month, except for the months of January and July. If you are interested in joining Ocean State Artisans you are welcome to attend a regular monthly meeting to learn more about our organization, the exceptions being the June meeting and the December meeting, which are for members and their guests only. Individual membership is $30 and a partner membership is $40 per year. You may complete a membership application at a monthly meeting or you may apply online or by mail. (See "Join" on this site).
Where are your meetings held?East Greenwich United Methodist Church 1558 South County Trail (Route 2) East Greenwich, RI Meetings begin at 7pm. Meeting room entrance is at rear of building.
I am a member. How do I access the private "Members Only" website pages?In order to access the Members Only pages you must be a member in good standing of Ocean State Artisans and you must use a login and password. 1. Click on the words “Member Log In” on any page of the website. This link is located near the bottom of the ocean photograph header. 2. This will open a page with a black background. If you are a new user, click on the words “Sign Up” in red print. 3. Choose how you wish to sign up/log in: Google, Facebook, or email account. 4. Enter the password for your Google, Facebook, or email account. Check the box stating that you are not a robot. Click on “Sign Up”. This will generate a request to access the private pages. The Website Manager will then confirm that you are a member and will grant you access to the Members Only pages. The Website Manager generally checks the site for access requests once per week. IMPORTANT! Please remember your chosen login account and password as you will need to use these each time you wish to access the Members Only pages.
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