Ocean StateArtisans
About Ocean State Artisans
Ocean State Artisans is a Rhode Island not-for-profit organization of artists, artisans, crafters and art related business owners.
Leadership - Board Members
President - Beth Giguere
Vice President - Mary Beth Dugan
Treasurer - Paul DiCarlo
Recording Secretary - Terry Haydt Markey
Corresponding Secretary - Lora Fidler
Members at Large
Margery H. Dumaine
Claire Leveillee
Michelle Leveillee
Committee Chairs
Director of Events - Claudia Sauve
Editor, The Creative Palette newsletter - Lora Fidler
Historian - open position
Hospitality - Judy & Barry Rubenstein
Membership - Beth Giguere
Social Media, Advertising - Melonie Massa & Mary Beth Dugan
Website, Artisan Marketplace - Margery H. Dumaine

Our Story
Since 1990, Ocean State Artisans has hosted one of the largest holiday shows in Rhode Island. The event takes place each year on the weekend following Thanksgiving. The show features local artisans offering unique handmade items and artwork for gift giving and home décor.
Each year, the show's admission fees are donated to several local charities and a food drive is held for the Rhode Island Community Food Bank.
As a not-for-profit organization based in the Ocean State we believe in helping charitable groups that are dedicated to serving fellow Rhode Islanders.